- Gangnam Style
- Released in: 2012
Although this song is famous all over the globe, thanks to its catchy beat and absurd music video, it is also one of the most satirical K-pop song to have ever been released and not banned.
Although this song is famous all over the globe, thanks to its catchy beat and absurd music video, it is also one of the most satirical K-pop song to have ever been released and not banned.
“강남스타일” (Gangnam Style) is a hit K-pop track by the now world-famous singer Psy, released in 2013 by YG Entertainment. Yes, this was the song that topped YouTube’s most-viewed chart that year and which had that outrageous music video with a perverted elevator guy and the horse dance. It became famous all over the globe, thanks to its catchy beat and absurd music video, but do not take it lightly: “강남스타일” is one of the most satirical K-pop song to have ever been released and not banned. Psy personally wrote the lyrics, which makes him more than just a funny-looking, thick-skinned “아저씨 / ahjuhssi” (middle-aged man). He is a mastermind lyricists, who managed to make certain nuances subtle enough to be understood by those who share Psy’s view of Gangnam, while pretty much everyone else sees “강남스타일” as simply a catchy hit, like LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem.” Psy poses as a Gangnam man in the lyrics, looking for a Gangnam woman to hook up with. Gangnam is like Upper East Side Manhattan: the richest one percent of South Korea reside in this district, which is also where all the “hot” clubs, restaurants, and schools are located.
In the lyrics, the “여자 / yeoja” (lady) who Psy keeps addressing and trying to seduce is a metaphor for Gangnam itself. By referring to himself as “오빠 / oppa” (older brother), Psy makes it clear that he is being flirtatious. If a girl is not related to an older man or if she is not extremely close to him, then she is flirting when she calls him “오빠.” Psy basically forces the girl to use this pet name on him. As he tries to seduce the “Gangnam-lady” while posing as a Gangnam man himself, Psy conveys the paradox that is the Gangnam district. Everyone “frowns” upon materialism and the increasing poverty gap, but at the same time, they want to be part of the “one percent.”
The importance of the following line cannot be stressed enough: “커피 한잔의 여유를 아는 품격있는 여자” (A classy woman who knows the freedom in a cup of coffee). Psy is poking fun at “된장녀 / Dwen-jang nyeo” (bean paste girls), who splurge on Starbucks coffee and Louis Vuitton bags, and then eat a pinch of bean paste for a meal. They give into materialism at the cost of their essentials, like food. Even though Psy knows he is trying to seduce a materialistic bimbo, he still wants her because he is a “Gangnam style” man himself.
Another interesting detail is how contradictory Psy is throughout the song. He keeps on repeating that he wants a “품격있는 여자” (classy girl). But, right in the next stanza, he shouts: “갈때까지 가볼까” (Let’s just go all the way tonight). Psy insists he is a classy man, yet he “one-shots” his coffee before it even cools a bit (to “one-shot” is the Korean expression for downing a cup of alcohol at one go). These are “Gangnam style” manners, at least according to Psy. The all-knowing, snide “Gangnam style” persona is depicted through a well-known Korean idiom: “뛰는 놈 그 위에 나는놈” (The flying one over the running one). This means that, no matter how talented a person is, there is always another who is better. Psy claims to be the “flying one” himself, saying: “나는 뭘 좀 아는놈” (I know a few things; used to brag). Supposedly, this kind of ironic competitiveness is common in the Gangnam district, where all the powerful conglomerates are located.
Through a description of a simple encounter with a woman he is attracted to, Psy manages to slip in all sorts of criticisms about the Gangnam district. Of course, there are wonderful things about Gangnam: few can say they’ve never been mesmerized by its flashy lights and people. But Psy has gone where no other K-pop star has gone before with “Gangnam Style.” If you’re looking for a catchy tune to nod your head to, this is your song. And if you’re looking to learn more about the materialistic side of Korea and its blind fancy amidst economic prosperity, this is also your song. Listen to “Gangnam Style”!