Our reviewers

Tina Kim
Tina Kim is a Korean-American college student majoring in Biology, but who loves music and books. She has taken extensive courses in World Literature, Korean Literature, and English Theatre. In her free time, she likes to go shopping, do yoga, or take long walks while listening to podcasts. She hopes to travel to many places.
Choose a reviewer:
- Guido Pellegrini
- Justine Smith
- Ben Pronk
- Cristina Lliteras
- Karoline Doil
- Ana Ren
- Lydia Folle
- Magda Maksimiuk
- Sancheo Lawrence
- Roxanne Sancto
- Mirela Alexandra
- Alexandra Korotkova
- Sebastian Gutnik
- Tina Kim
- Maria Gavrilov
- Angie F.
- Isabelle Chan
- Sarah de Latte
- Andrea
- T. Selby
- Justina Poðkevièiûtë
- Jill Vance
- Noel Reumkens
- Valerie Douniaux
- William Bradbury
- Abdel Aguirre
- Chloe
- Sigrun Pallesen
- Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira
- Ana Paula
- Djordje
- Giuliano Vivaldi