- De La Rey
- Released in: 2013
South African singer Bok van Blerk describes the feelings and thoughts of a soldier during the Second Boer War (1899-1902), who calls out to General De La Rey to lead the army to victory against the British.
South African singer Bok van Blerk describes the feelings and thoughts of a soldier during the Second Boer War (1899-1902), who calls out to General De La Rey to lead the army to victory against the British.
The song “De la Rey” by Bok van Blerk ("bok" is “goat” and "blêr" is slang for "loud noise") made worldwide headlines when it was released in 2005. The New York Times ran a story titled “Song Wakens Injured Pride of Afrikaners” while The Guardian announced “Afrikaner singer stirs up controversy with war song.” Blerk himself said: “Young Afrikaners are tired of having apartheid guilt trip shoved down their throats. This song makes them proud of their heritage.”
The lyrics transport listeners back to the time of the Second Boer War (1899-1902), after the British Lord Kitchener implemented his scorched-earth policy. It begins with a minute-long introduction by a military marching band, and then Bok van Blerk vividly describes a cold, wet Boer at nighttime, one among a handful awaiting battle. His house and farm have been burnt to the ground, while his wife and children are dying in a concentration camp. He calls out to General De la Rey to come lead the Boers to victory.
General Jacobus Herculaas de la Rey, known as Koos de la Rey or The Lion of West Transvaal, is regarded as one of the strongest military leaders in South African history. He served in the Basotho War of 1865, Sekhukhune’s War of 1876, and The First and Second Boer Wars. Naturally, there was an outcry against the song, as many felt it would inspire right-wing Afrikaners to raise arms, to which Bok van Blerk responded that he is proud of his language and culture, questioning inquirers if they felt the same about theirs. “De la Rey” is now played at rugby games, bars, braais (barbeques), and social gatherings. It is a poignant song, and it does stir emotions and a sense of patriotism, even within me as an English South African.
Lyrics in Afrikaans and English:
Op 'n berg in die nag (On a mountain in the night)
lê ons in donker en wag (we lie in the darkness and wait).
In die modder en bloed lê ek koud, (In the mud and blood, I lie cold,)
streepsak en reën kleef teen my (grain bag and rain clinging to me).
En my huis en my plaas tot kole verbrand (And my house and my farm burned to coals)
sodat hulle ons kan vang, (So that they could catch us)
maar daai vlamme en vuur (But those flames and fire)
brand nou diep, diep binne my (Now burn deep, deep within me).
De La Rey, De La Rey sal jy die Boere kom lei? (De la Rey, De la Rey, will you come lead the Boers?)
Generaal, generaal soos een man, sal ons om jou val (General, General, as one man we will fall around you Generaal De La Rey).
Oor die Kakies wat lag, (Regarding the Khakis (British) that laugh)
'n handjie van ons teen 'n hele groot mag (a small handful of us against their great force)
En die kranse lê hier teen ons rug, (and the cliffs to our backs,)
hulle dink dis verby (they think it is over).
Maar die hart van 'n Boer lê dieper en wyer, (But the heart of the Boer lies deeper and wider,)
hulle gaan dit nog sien. (that they will still see).
Op 'n perd kom hy aan, (On horseback he arrives,)
die Leeu van die Wes Transvaal (the Lion of the West Transvaal).
De La Rey, De La Rey sal jy die Boere kom lei? (De la Rey, De la Rey, will you come lead the Boers?)
De La Rey, De La Rey Generaal, generaal soos een man, sal ons om jou val (General, General, as one man we will fall around you).
Want my vrou en my kind (Because my wife and my child,)
lê in 'n kamp en vergaan, (lie in a camp (concentration camp) and perish).
En die Kakies se murg loop (And the Khakis' bone marrow is poured)
oor 'n nasie wat weer op sal staan (over a nation that will rise up again).
De La Rey, De La Rey sal jy die Boere kom lei? (De la Rey, De la Rey, will you come lead the Boers?)
Generaal, generaal soos een man, sal ons om jou val (General, General, as one man we will fall around you).
Generaal De La Rey (General De la Rey).
Generaal, generaal sal jy die Boere kom haal? (De la Rey, De la Rey, will you come fetch the Boers?)