- Triangles and Squares
- Released in: 2013
Dawid Podsiadlo's debut single, from his album Comfort and Happiness.
Dawid Podsiadlo's debut single, from his album Comfort and Happiness.
Who does Poland currently listen to? Almost unanimously, to Dawid Podsiadlo. The popularity of this extremely modest and very young guy is a curious thing. To begin with, he won a talent show, and not just any talent show, but X-Factor. Simon Cowell's television program, in which artist hopefuls compete to prove they have that mysterious star quality, is not actually associated with real musical talent. In Poland – and worldwide – these shows are known for promoting jurors rather than contestants, which is simply not right. But, when Dawid Podsiadlo began singing in his gentle and low voice, it did not matter anymore whether he was doing so on TV, on a railway station, or in his bathtub. His appearance on X-Factor proved that there is still sense in producing such programs.
Dawid was born in 1993 in Dabrowa Gornicza, in the Silesia region. He was too young to participate in another hit talent show, called Idol, which premiered in 2002 but lasted only four seasons. Dawid nevertheless admits to watching it. Idol brought a new quality to Poland’s coarse television programming in the beginning of the 21st century, and when the show was on, the streets were literally empty. It was also a very important formative experience for numerous Polish singers and songwriters, who tried their chances in the harsh reality of television. Those who succeeded after the end of Idol can be counted on the fingers of one hand, but they are actually the very best, like Monika Brodka or Ania Dabrowska, who have cultivated their own styles and see music and their place in the marketplace from a wide perspective.
This also seems to be what characterizes Dawid Podsiadlo's music. He mainly sings in English, but his debut single, "Trojkaty i Kwadraty" (Triangles and Squares), from the album Comfort and Happiness, is in Polish. Dawid’s music resembles pieces by Bon Iver or bands like Coldplay, Travis, and Keane. It seems he understands that the best thing he can do is leave behind his reality TV past and look for a bright future as an independent artist, writing his own music and highly metaphorical lyrics. Listening to "Trojkaty i kwadraty," one can be rather certain of the maturity of this talented twenty-year-old, who can talk about love and longing in a way very few his age can and would.
Dawid sings of the ordinary things that can happen to anyone, of just standing somewhere (“Stoję na drodze, nie widzi mnie tu nikt”), waiting and wishing for another meeting at dusk (“Nim zajdzie słońce tęsknić za Tobą będę znów”). He uses simple words that, however, hide extraordinary and ambiguous meanings. For instance, he sings of unleashing bothersome thoughts (“Spuszczam ze smyczy każdą meczącą mnie myśl”) or changing his physical state to steam (“Jak para zmieniam stan”) to later fall in the form of hail at the feet of his loved one. Such pompous phrases might be considered too melodramatic or aggravating, but Podsiadlo fights his way out with modesty, sincerity, and authenticity that go well with his age. And although complex metaphors don’t always serve a young musician right, Podsiadlo had help from experienced fellow singer Karolina Kozak, known for her fresh touch and sensitivity to wording. She co-wrote this song as well as all other Polish lyrics in Comfort and Happiness.
Podsiadlo’s baptism by fire has already taken place. Performing live on the Tent Stage at the biggest festival in Poland, the Open’er Festival, along with the likes of Crystal Castles, Disclosure, and Animal Collective, must have been a life-changing experience. So, after all the fuss surrounding Podsiadlo’s debut album, and the ensuing whirlwind that lifted him onto the first ranks of young Polish musicians, what’s left? Amidst the current excess of singers who can’t sing, who just pretend to do so on stage and change outfits so that audiences don’t pay attention to the sound, it is sometimes really refreshing to find a gem. Perhaps it is too soon to say for sure, but in Poland, people believe Dawid can make a difference.
Stoję na drodze, nie widzi mnie tu nikt,
Po lewej stronie leży samotny kij,
Podnoszę głowę, nade mną rzędy chmur,
Słońce horyzont na sznurku ciągnie w dół.
Wiszę nad ziemią centymetr albo dwa,
Zazdrość, nienawiść jak mrówki błądzą wśród traw,
Zamykam oczy i liczę do trzynastu,
Nim zajdzie słońce tęsknić za
Tobą będę znów.
Jak para zmieniam stan,
unoszę się do chmur,
spadam kulami gradu,
topnieję u Twych stóp.
Stoję na drodze, nie widzi mnie tu nikt,
Spuszczam ze smyczy każdą meczącą mnie myśl,
Gwiazdy formują trójkąty i kwadraty,
Dziś je w kieszeniach będę do Ciebie niósł.
Jak para zmieniam stan,
unoszę się do chmur,
spadam kulami gradu,
topnieję u Twych stóp.
Jak para zmieniam stan,
unoszę się do chmur,
nic nie zatrzyma mnie,
powiedz tylko,
że chcesz,
będę Twój.