- Jeune et con
- Released in: 2013
“Jeune et con” was French singer Damien Saez's first single, and it helped launch his career. In it, Saez laments the situation of the "young and dumb" of the world, living in a society that doesn't understand them.
“Jeune et con” was French singer Damien Saez's first single, and it helped launch his career. In it, Saez laments the situation of the "young and dumb" of the world, living in a society that doesn't understand them.
“Jeune et con” (Young and Dumb) is French singer Damien Saez's first single, from his first album Jours Étranges (Strange Days). Released in April 2000, it was broadcast on many radios and contributed to Saez’s nomination as “Révélation de l’année” (Newcomer of the Year) in the French Victoires de la Musique ceremony (the French equivalent of the Grammys) in 2001.
Damien Saez always shares his feelings and opinions in his songs, which he writes poetically. He rejects consumer society and politics in general, as revolted as he is obstinate, passionate, and desperate. In the song “Jeune et con,” Damien Saez talks about disillusioned young people who would like to share their hopes with a society unwilling to listen. In fact, the wishes of the “young and dumb” are not understood. It is as if society did not care about them, which is why Damien Saez denounces its indifference: “Another night and the French youth/ Will have fun again because nothing makes sense here/ So they will dance and pretend to be happy/ And quietly go to bed, but tomorrow nothing will be better.”
According to Saez, the world is full of crazy people who are all the same and never try to get out of their routine. Everybody pretends to be happy, but nobody really is. Young people don’t really know where they are going, because they are suffering an identity crisis. They don’t want to conform to the adults’ way of life, but they know it is difficult to escape from it. Saez also wonders if it would not be better if the young never became adults.
The song starts with: “Encore un jour se lève sur la planète France” (Another day is rising above planet France again), a line which is repeated multiple times throughout the song, just like another phrase: “Encore une soirée où la jeunesse France va bien s’amuser” (Another night during which the French youth will have fun again). The words “another” and “again” express repetition (“again” is used seven times), so that the lyrics emphasize a sort of routine. The expression “as always,” used later on, also reinforces this idea.
Saez defines France as a "planet," as if he were not talking only about France but about the whole world, ruled by routine and indifference. He also uses several expressions to convey his ideas. “Rentrer dans la danse” (go into the dance) means that he will do the same thing again, repeating the same movements as usual, following other people who are all doing the same thing. Later on, he says, “je connais trop la danse” (I know the dance too well). Elsewhere, he explains, “On est que des pions contents d’être à genoux” (We are only pieces happy to kneel down), signifying that we are all submissive to those who rule and accept it without budging. Finally, he mentions, “Nous gagnerons à devenir fous” (We will deserve to become mad), suggesting what will happen if we continue acting like this.
The singer uses colloquial words to emphasize his message and draw the attention of audiences, especially young listeners, who can identify with his lyrics. The verb “crever” (to die) is very colloquial, and “s’en foutre” is also vulgar and can be translated as “not to give a damn.” Saez finishes his song with “Je sais qu'on est quelques milliards à chercher l'amour” (I know we are billions looking for love), again criticizing conformity, because everybody wants to find love.
Encore un jour se lève sur la planète France
Et je sors doucement de mes rêves
Je rentre dans la danse, comme toujours
Il est huit heures du soir
J'ai dormi tout le jour
Je me suis encore couché trop tard
Je me suis rendu sourd
Encore, encore une soirée où la jeunesse France
Encore, elle va bien s'amuser puisqu'ici rien n'a de sens
Alors on va danser, faire semblant d'être heureux
Pour aller gentiment se coucher, mais demain rien n'ira mieux
Puisqu'on est jeune et con
Puisqu'ils sont vieux et fous
Puisque des hommes crèvent sous les ponts
Et ce monde s'en fout
Puisqu'on est que des pions
Contents d'être à genoux
Puisque je sais qu'un jour nous gagnerons à devenir fous
Devenir fous, devenir fous...
Encore un jour se lève sur la planète
France Mais j'ai depuis longtemps perdu mes rêves
Je connais trop la danse, comme toujours Il est huit heures du soir
J'ai dormi tout le jour
Je sais qu'on est quelques milliards
A chercher l'amour
Encore, encore une soirée où la jeunesse France
Encore, elle va bien s'amuser dans cet état d'urgence
Alors elle va danser faire semblant d'exister
Qui sait ? Si on ferme les yeux on vivra vieux
Encore un jour se lève sur la planète France
Mais j'ai depuis longtemps perdu mes rêves
Je connais trop la danse, comme toujours Il est huit heures du soir
J'ai dormi tout le jour
Je sais qu'on est quelques milliards...
A chercher l'amour.