- Hey Staat
- Released in: 1989
In this 1989 song by Hans Söllner, the singer and songwriter reflects on tiresome days spent working for a government which offers nothing in return for hard work.
In this 1989 song by Hans Söllner, the singer and songwriter reflects on tiresome days spent working for a government which offers nothing in return for hard work.
Hans Söllner is a German singer-songwriter who sings in Bavarian-German and is famous for openly criticising the German government and its policies. He tells stories in his songs, be they about his experiences in Jamaica in “Charlie,” his fascination for his marijuana farmer friend in “Edeltraut,” and the hardcore routines of a typical Bavarian farmer in “Da Sepp.” Hans’ albums and live performances not only guarantee violent bouts of laughter, but also promise new perspectives and ideas, leaving the audience in a thoughtful and contemplative mood. One song in particular reflects on the tiresome days spent working for a government which offers nothing in return for hard work. In “Hey Staat” (Hey State), released in 1989, Hans makes an open statement regarding his frustration, his fatigue, and his unmotivated state of being. Although you can clearly pick up on his anger, the song is calm and sad rather than raging.
Hans isn’t aggressively calling out the government, so much as he is calling out for their attention: “Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat.” His voice sounds defeated, almost broken, just a small man seeking answers in a large crowd. Instead of attacking without further justification, he proposes a mature discussion: “Heit sog’ da I amoi, wos I ois moch für di. Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat und dann sog’ du mir moi, was du ois machst für mi” (Today I’ll tell you about all the things I do for you. Hey State, hey State, hey State, and then you tell me about all the things you do for me). The terms “amoi” and “moi” are taken from “ein mal” (once) and “mal” (sometime), respectively. Whilst “moi” is used rather loosely, as in “Geh’ma moi zum essn” (Let’s go have dinner sometime), “amoi” is often used to emphasise the need for something “at once,” often announcing a confrontation, as in: “Jetzt schaust amoi g’fälligst dass’d di schleichst” (Get out of here, at once).
Söllner goes on to tell the government about his upbringing and the steps he’s had to follow even when he was not interested in doing so, though the government couldn’t have cared less: “Des is dir total Wuarscht” (You don’t care about that at all). He doesn’t understand why he should be working eight hours a day, when the government immediately takes a third of it anyways. “I bugg’l acht stund’n lang,” says Söllner, using the word “bugg’l” from “buggln,” which literally translates as “backing.” The word basically describes the motions of a manual labourer, his back bending and slouched. Hans’ Bavarian accent often crosses with Austrian, which is unsurprising seeing as his home town of Bad Reichenhall is only a twenty minute drive from Salzburg. “Geld” (money) in Bavarian turns to “Gäid,” whereas in Austria the "e" often turns to "ö," thus making “Göid.”
In the second verse, Hans says he feels robbed of the right to his own identity. The government dictates his clothes, his hair, his career, his job, and even his religion. He feels like a real “depp” (idiot), because on top of everything he’s the one who “feeds their God.” The word “depp” is a frequently used term in Bavaria and doesn’t necessarily have to be insulting. Even kids are addressed with it: “Mai, du depp” (Oh, you muppet). With “Hey Staat,” Hans Söllner proved that he is not quite ready to give up fighting the good fight and will never keep silent. He will continue to encourage all of Bavaria and Austria to stand up with him and sing songs of freedom.
Lyrics in German:
Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Heit sog' da I amoi, wos I ois moch für di. Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat und dann sag' du mir moi, was du ois machst für mi.
Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Heit sog' da I amoi, wos I ois moch für di. Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat und dann sag' du mir moi, was du ois machst für mi.
I geh' in'd Schui' und lern' bloß des wos du glabst, dass I wiss'n muas. Ob mi des int'ressiert des int'ressiert dich net, mann, des is dir total Wuarscht. Von Anfang an probierst nix and'res als daß'd mi hibiag'st, wias'd mi brauchst. I lass' ma's g'foin, weil I ma denk', du werst schu wissen wos du machst. Dann geh I in'd Arweit und I bugg'l acht stund'n lang, bugg'l jed'n tog mein' scheiß Job. Und von dem göid, das I verdieh'n ziagst ma sufort zwoa dritt'l ziagst ma ob. Und die paar Mark, die mia nu blei'm, geh'n drauf füa Wohnung, Gas und Liacht. Und I moch Schuid'n auf da Bank, daß I im Winta net d'afrier.
Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Heit sog' da I amoi, wos I ois moch für di. Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat und dann sag' du mir moi, was du ois machst für mi.
Schreibst ma mei Kleidung vor, mein Haarschnitt. Schreibst ma mei Bildung vor, mein Job. Sogar mein Glaub'n schreibst mia vor, und I Depp zöi'l und ernähr' nu eian Gott. Der bloß mi'm Finga auf mi zoagt, I sult'n reschpektiarn und ehrn. A grad den, der ganze Völker ausg'rott had, oder mit Drohungen bekeart. Kaaf deine Drogn, Bier und Schnaps, aba du beschimpfst mi, wenn i's nimm. Diskriminierst mi weil I rauch', mensch du muast 'gstaat sei, hey, du verdienst. Durch Leit wie mi gehts dia doch guat du missest eing'tlich dankbar sei dafür. Daß ma di zoin für dei Geschwafel, für dei beleidigen und liang.
Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Heit sog' da I amoi, wos I ois moch für di. Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat und dann sag' du mir moi, was du ois machst für mi.
I bin d' schlecht fia deine Töchta, hey Staat, geee... Du schamst di vor andre Leit für mi. Du nennst mi asozial und dumm. Sei froh, dass' nu so blede gibt. Nur durch die bleden konsequenten Schleima, die si net beschwer'n. Di hoit su san wia's san und all'wei d' händ vor'n mund haltn wenn's re'n. Dreiss'g Joar lang hob I mein Hois g'hoidn und dreiss'g Joar hob I g'mocht, wos du mir sogst. Dreiss'g Joar lang host sau guat fu mia g'lebt. Und nit a oanzig's Moi host dank'scheee zu mia g'sogt. Und jetz, wo I aufsteh' und mi wehr' wal I hoid find', daß' endlich a moi langt, nennst mi an Gradler und Vabrecha, am liabsten steiet'st mi an'd Wand. Oh mann hey Staat, hey Staat.
Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Heit sog' da I amoi, wos I ois moch für di. Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat und dann sag' du mir moi, was du ois machst für mi.
Und heit, geee...heit steh' I am Amadeusplatz und da sing' I ganz laut, sing' I "Blowing in se Wind". Mit dreitausend and're steh' I da umanand, die a für'n Friedn san. Dreitausend, die da zoang, dass 's a nu friedlich geht mit Hirn. Aba im Fernsehn zoagst vierz'g Skinheads, die schrein und randaliern. Du zoagst die Wackersdorf-Chaoten, du zoagst wia Pflasterstoana fliang. Du zoagst net die typn, die zum Schutz vor deine Polizisten stehn's und rearn. Und I scham' mi für die Leit, die auf der Startbahn g'schoss'n ham. Aba du machst dass jeda glabt, dass ma olle ja su san.
Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Heit sog' da I amoi, wos I ois moch für di. Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat und dann sag' du mir moi, was du ois machst für mi.
Scham du di a moi für wos, hey Staat, vielleicht für die kloan Kinder, die g'rad ster'm. An Leukemie und für die Eltern, die oana die Händ hoid'n und rea'n. Dei Zeit is um und meine a und für mi mann für mi geht's sicha net dann aus geee... Mei Bua der hod sechz'g Joar hod der voa sich und I tu ois, daß er des schafft. Du bist koa Vorbild mehr für mi, hey Staat, du host di raus g'fress'n vom göid, das a andra schwar verdient, und sogar am Hunger von der Wöid. Host nur dein Spaß und dein Profit, womit's dann Vökermoard betreibst. Na mann, für des wos du da machst, hod di von uns bestimmt nia'm'st g'wöid.
Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Hey Staat, hey Staat, hey Staat, Heit sog' da I amoi, wos I ois moch für di. Und dann, hey Staat, hey Staat, dann sog I dir moi, wos du ois bist für mi.
English lyrics:
I go to school only to learn what you think I need to know. Whether it interests me or not, doesn't interest you, you don't give a rat's ass. From the very get go, you've been trying to mould me, the way you need me and I just let you do it cause I think, well you must know what you're doing. Then I go to work and bust my balls for eight hours a day in my shitty job.
And from the money that I earn, you take a third and the few bucks I'm left with go straight to my apartment, gas, water and light and I'm in debt with the bank so I don't freeze to death during winter.
Hey state, hey state, hey state, today I'll tell you about everything I do for you, Hey state, hey state, hey state, and then why don't you tell me what it is you do for me.
You tell me what to wear, how to style my hair, what to study, and what to work. You even dictate my religion, and me, the idiot, I go and pay and feed your God, who just points his finger at me and tells me to respect and honour him! Him, who exterminated entire populations and only knows how to get his will through threats. I buy your drugs, beer and schnapps, but you insult me when I take them. Discriminate me because I smoke, you should be happy, its you who earns. Because of people like me, you're doing alright, you should be thankful that we still pay you for your bullshit, your insults and your lies.
Hey state, hey state, hey state, today I'll tell you about everything I do for you, Hey state, hey state, hey state and then why don't you tell me, what it is you do for me.
Man, I'm not good enough for your daughter, you are ashamed of me in front of other people. You call me antisocial and dumb, be happy there's still dumb people out there, it's only because of the ass kissers who never complain and hold their hands up to their mouths when they speak, that you are still around. I stuck to everything for thirty years and did everything you told me to do. But now that I stand up and defend myself, because I think, it's finally enough, you call me a thug and a thief and you'd love to throw me against the wall.
Hey state, hey state, hey state, today I'll tell you about everything I do for you, Hey state, hey state, hey state, and then why don't you tell me what it is you do for me.
And today, today, we're standing on the Odeonsplatz and are singing "Blowing in the Wind." A thousand of us, standing together, arm in arm, all of us standing together for peace. Three thousand people, showing you that things can be done peacefully and with a brain. But on TV you just show forty skinheads on a rampage somewhere. You show the Wankasdorf Chaos and stones flying through the air. And not the guys who are standing up in front of your police and crying. Yeah and I am ashamed of the people who shot at the Startbank, but it's you who manages to make everyone believe that we are all like them.
Hey state, hey state, hey state, today I'll tell you about everything I do for you, Hey state, hey state, hey state, and then why don't you tell me what it is you do for me.
It's your turn to be ashamed, hey state, maybe for the small children who are about to die from Leukemia and for the parents who hold their hands and sob. Your time is up and so is mine, and for me, I'm not stepping out. My boy has sixty years ahead of him and I do everything to make sure he'll make it. You're not a role model anymore, hey state, you filled your belly of all our money someone else has fairly earned and even of the hunger in the world you still find your fun and profit. Oh man, for what you are doing, no one of us has voted for!