Case Studies: Clients

Rebecca Kane
My favorite thing about working with Language Trainers is that you were patient with me. When one teacher did not work out, you searched for another until I found the one who I work with now, Vumilia
Hello Rebecca! Thank you very much for agreeing to this interview. Could you begin by telling us what took you to learn such an exotic language as Kiswahili and why you chose Language Trainers for that?
I have chosen to take lessons from Language Trainers as you are the only provider I could find with continuous training in Kiswahili. I have been working towards learning Kiswahili on and off since late 2017. I originally chose to learn Kiswahili when I was visiting Tanzania for the first time as a volunteer in December 2017 for a month. I have since become very involved in the women’s/children’s shelter that I volunteered at. I have returned two more times, volunteering for a month at a time and raising money for this shelter, Pippi House. I now have a non-profit and need to speak to many people in Kiswhahili when I go.
That’s an amazing story and a very heartwarming reason to learn a language. And in your experience so far, what has been your favorite part of studying with Language Trainers?
My favorite thing about working with Language Trainers is that you were patient with me. When one teacher did not work out, you searched for another until I found the one who I work with now, Vumilia. She is a highly professional and wonderfully trained teacher. I couldn’t ask for more from an online situation. She is entirely flexible regarding my needs, but demands that I really learn what she is teaching me. She is rigorously thorough which I completely appreciate. Vumilia is always ready for a challenge and if I had the time to put into learning, I know I would be speaking on a higher level. The most helpful part of the course for me is combining listening/speaking skills with writing and grammar. I would highly recommend other students seeking to study Kiswhahili to ask for Vumilia as she is a true teacher, including her endearing attitude.
Vumilia certainly seems to be a very capable teacher. Out of all the things you have learned with her, which is your favorite word or phrase?
One of my favorite phrases in Kiswhahili is “Moja kwa moja", which menas "one by one" (like step by step)
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