How to Write A Solid Cover Letter in Spanish

Did you just find your dream job in Madrid, Buenos Aires or Mexico City? Then you’ll want to make sure that you know how to write a cover letter in Spanish.

In the Spanish-speaking job market, a cover letter is not just a formality or an adornment for a great Spanish CV. It is the part of your presentation package where you can reveal your personality, express your interest in the position, and explain your worth as a professional.

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Below, we’ll tell you how to write the best personalized Spanish cover letter to stand out among your competitors.

Why include a Spanish cover letter in your application

  • Your CV may be impressive, but it’s just a technical list of data. A cover letter (carta de motivación or carta de presentación in Spanish) allows you to make a case for yourself and explain why you are the best choice for a specific position.
  • A personalized cover letter is an opportunity to boast your Spanish skills, which will surely have a positive impact on the person who processes your application.
  • A cover letter in Spanish allows you to demonstrate your communicative and persuasive skills, which may be paramount for your future job.
  • Even if proficiency in Spanish is not a post requirement, a neat cover letter in Spanish will show prospective employers that you have made an effort to use their native language, which shows responsibility and commitment.

How to write a cover letter in Spanish

Writing a cover letter in Spanish can be a bit tricky. On the one hand, it needs to feel personal and original. On the other hand, it needs to adhere to specific linguistic and formal conventions and, of course, be error-free.

Follow these tips to write the perfect Spanish cover:etter and beat your competitors:

Structure of a Spanish cover letter

When writing a cover letter, it is essential to follow a logical structure that organizes your thoughts into a coherent text. The format of your letter should basically follow this scheme:

  1. Nombre y apellido: Full name.
  2. Lugar y fecha: Location and date.
  3. Persona a la que va dirigida la carta y nombre del departamento: Name of the receiver and name of the Department.
  4. Párrafo de presentación: Introductory paragraph with personal information.
  5. Párrafo principal 1 – motivos para la solicitud del empleo: First main paragraph where you will list the reasons why you are applying for this job.
  6. Párrafo principal 2 – razones para contratarte: Second main paragraph where you explain why you are the best choice for a specific post.
  7. Interés por acordar una entrevista: A short paragraph in which you express your interest in being interviewed for the job.
  8. Agradecimiento y saludos: A ‘thank you’ phrase and a final greeting.
  9. Firma del remitente: Your signature.

Pay attention to language

Writing a good Spanish cover letter is about finding the right tone, a balance between professionalism and intimacy in the use of the language. Remember: this is your opportunity to express yourself openly, so you shouldn’t sound like a robot. However, this does not mean that you can talk about anything or use the kind of language you would use to talk to a friend.

Also, it is crucial to proofread your letter before you send it to make sure it doesn’t have any mistakes. No matter how impressive your skills are, an application with spelling and/or grammatical errors will make a negative impression and is very likely to thwart all your effort.

Useful phrases for Spanish cover letters

In this section, you will find useful vocabulary to write your Spanish cover letter:


Señor/a (apellido): Dear Mr/Ms (last name)
Estimado señor o señora: Dear Sir or Madam

Introductory paragraph

Les escribo en referencia a su anuncio aparecido en…:
Concerning your ad published in…

Soy (título universitario, oficio) y tengo una amplia experiencia en (…) y en (…), tal como figura en mi curriculum.I am (degree or job) and I have vast experience in (…) and (…) as stated in my resume.

First body paragraph

Me encantaría formar parte de su equipo:
I would love to be a part of your team.

Esta sería una gran oportunidad para poner en práctica toda mi experiencia
This would be a great opportunity to put all my experience into practice.

Second body paragraph

Habiendo terminado los estudios de (…), me considero más que capacitado/a para cumplir con las responsabilidades como (…)
Having completed my studies in (…) I am more than capable of taking the responsibilities of a (…)

Asking for an interview:

Me encantaría poder expandirme sobre todas estas cosas en una entrevista.
I would love to enlarge on these thingsin an interview.

Por todos estos motivos, les agradecería que admitieran esta solicitud para participar en las pruebas de selección.
For all these reasons, I would be extremely grateful if you included me in the selectionprocess.

Final greeting

 A la espera de sus noticias
Looking forward to hearing from you soon

Los saluda atentamente,

Further tips

  • If you’re applying to a company that is renowned for its innovative approach to corporate dynamics, such as Google, you may want to record a video in Spanish instead of writing a cover letter.
  • Unless an ad specifically encourages applicants to include salary-related information in their Spanish cover letter, it is best to avoid talking about pay until you are called for an interview.
  • When listing skills and writing about your previous experience, make sure that the information you include is relevant to the job you are applying to.
  • If you want to mention a negative aspect of your personality, try to make it sound like it could actually be a positive trait. For example, you may say that you are a perfectionist, which means that you can get a bit overstressed, but also that you will go out of your way to bring your A-game to the company every day.

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