False friends in Portuguese
False friends or false cognates are words that sound and/or look the same in two languages but different meaning. Not all familiar sounding words in Portuguese mean the same as they do in English.
The following Portuguese words look and/or sound like English words but have different meanings:
- Assistir = to watch (to assist = ajudar)
- Batom = lipstick (baton = cassetete)
- Bife = steak (beef = carne bovina)
- Cândido = innocent, naïve (candid = sincero)
- Casualidade = chance (casualty = vítima de acidente, baixa, perda)
- Designar = to appoint (to design = projetar, criar)
- Educado = polite, well-mannered (educated = instruído)
- Êxito = success (exit = saída)
- Genial = brilliant (genial = afável, aprazível)
- Injúria = insult (injury = ferimento)
- Livaria = book shop (library = biblioteca)
- Notícia = news (notice = aviso, nota)
- Parentes = relatives (parents = pais)
- Particular = personal, private (particular = específico, exato)
- Pasta = paste, folder, briefcase (pasta = massa)
- Piedade = pity (piety = devoção)
- Pretender = to intend, to plan (to pretend = fingir)
- Puxe = to pull but sounds like push (to push = empurre)
- Realizer = to carry out, accomplish (to realize = notar, perceber)
- Tenente = lieutenant (tenent = inquilino)
- Taxa = rate, fee (tax = imposto)
- Turno = shift, round (turn = vez, volta)
- Viola = guitar (viola = violeta)