Articles By Kyra Bonsu
Kyra's Bio
I was born in Dallas and raised by two immigrant Ghanaian parents. My community surrounded me with people from Central and South America, Eastern Europe, India, East Asia, and Jewish communities, allowing me a breadth of knowledge of cultures distinct from my own. As a result, I thrive in spaces where I’m constantly stimulated by differing cultures and distinct interpretations of human relationships. Whether it be living in the outskirts of Boston, Brooklyn, Madrid, Buenos Aires, or Deli, I have learned to navigate through the unique nuances that cultures generate and festooned my own way of communicating. I’m a diligent researcher and take pride in exploring as much as possible the places and spaces that are new and old to me. For those reasons and more, I’m creating a podcast that will enable me to tell the stories of others, like I have grown accustomed to doing myself.
Being a Texan, Spanish has always played a major role in my life while Twi has always been in the ether. As a result, my escape and travel to Latin American countries took me to many Spanish-speaking nations and Latin American political classes. African history was taught to me in school as well, but the rich contexts of an oral story or books, from Encyclopedias to written accounts, are where I developed my knowledge of Africa. It is my hope that Twi will be my future second language to be spoken as comfortably as Spanish; as I embark on this journey, you will read about my struggles with adaptation and language learning. Also, be on the lookout for more writings from me in other publications. If you take nothing else from this bio, please remember one of my favorite pastimes is dancing like no one is watching, absolutely anywhere: on the subway, in my bedroom, on the dance floor, in front of my computer or wherever I’m feeling compelled to do so.