Top 5 Reasons You Should Be Studying Chinese NOW

If you think you have the advantage in the global job market because you are a native English speaker, you are mistaken. The implications behind the spread of English are quite the contrary. Many native English speakers do not take learning a second language as seriously as they should. Why? Well, when practically the whole world appears to already be capable communicating with you, it’s easy to slack off. But it’s time to change that trend. Below is a list of reasons why it’s time to start looking into learning a second language, and why you should make that language be Mandarin.

1. You will set yourself apart from your competitors.

Virtually all of Europe is bilingual except the United Kingdom. While almost all of Britain’s neighbors speak English in addition to their native tongue, the Brits have recently cited their lack of bilinguals and how it is negatively affecting the country’s economy. Similarly, monolingualism runs rampant in the States despite the fact that it’s well-known at this point that bilinguals and multilinguals are scoring better jobs quicker. It’s easy to get lazy when everyone at least in the developed world speaks pretty solid English. But all this means is that everyone else will be able to speak two languages when you can only speak one. If you learn Chinese, you will be more competitive on a global scale and ahead of your native English speaking peers.


2. You’ll communicate with the growing Chinese markets

As of October of this year, the Chinese economy had surpassed that of the United States. Thus, any business person involved with international trade will quite likely be connecting with Chinese companies. Although it is probable that your associates will speak at least an intermediate level of English, it will behoove you to make the extra effort and communicate with your colleagues in their native language. As Nelson Mandela said, “Speak to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” Likewise for business ventures, speaking your colleagues’ native tongue will build relationships and you’ll make a lasting impression –meaning more opportunity for continuing business deals in the future.

3. You’ll become a part of the undeniable trend of global Chinese influence

Wherever there is property, Chinese buyers are purchasing. Just this past year Chinese cash buyers spent upwards of $22 billion on U.S. real estate. Between 2005 and 2011, China invested more money in South American agriculture, fuel, and land than the World Bank and US Export Bank combined. The same trends hold true in Africa and Eastern Europe. Indeed, all over the world China is staking its claim to large quantities of land and businesses. And as Chinese land and business ownership spreads, so will Chinese culture.

4. You’ll understand the culture

As Chinese influence metastasizes around the world, it will be your responsibility to get with the times. Chinese culture is about as foreign to westerners as one could imagine. The best way to get into the headspace of a Chinese business person, whether he’s in your backyard or in the Chinese capital, is to learn to think in his language.

5. You’ll connect with the largest language community in the world

With over a billion native speakers, Mandarin is indeed the most spoken native language in the world. These numbers will only continue to increase. That many speakers implies that many business opportunities.


Standard Chinese is influential, powerful, and now more than ever, ubiquitous in today’s global market. It is not likely that Chinese will surpass English as the lingua franca of the world. However, if you’re a native English speaker, you are doing yourself a great disservice by not taking up a second language. And of the languages of the world, Chinese, despite its difficulty, is certainly a worthwhile endeavor in today’s global village. Take a free online language level test today. Then contact us to complete your registration.